Monday, March 14, 2011


I am really sick of all this bullying talk and “our children must be protected, they're special.” People, get a fucking grip. You're children are only special to you, which doesn't automatically mean they deserve everything handed to them. When I was a kid, it built character to fucking lose once in a while. There's a difference between fairness and equality and just handing out gold stars to every snot-nosed whiner that passes through a fucking school.
All of us were bullied at some point or another in school, that's just the way kids are. Did you kill yourself over it? Did you ever stop to think they might be right based on your own poorly made choices? Did you really care what every single person fucking thought about you? Were you prosecuted in a fucking court of law for it? Bullying isn't a problem. Teaching our children some REAL self-esteem and moral values is what's a problem. Parents can't even talk to their kids anymore, they don't know how to deal with them, so they just hand all the parental responsibilities to schools, expecting them to do more work than they should. Then what do we do? Let a bunch of retarded Republicans cut unions. I've seen what teachers have to put up with every day and I still can't figure out why anyone wants such a thankless job. But now schools have more power of kids than fucking parents do and that infuriates me as a woman who intends to ACTUALLY raise her kids instead of having them for the fuck of it.
We tell our kids that they're all special and that they'll always succeed but that's just not true because that's not how life works. It sets them up for a harder fall when they don't succeed and then you have kids killing themselves over it. No one tells them not to worry about what everyone else thinks and just do what's comfortable for them so they dress like hookers at 14 years old and then people wonder why we have pedophiles or “statutory rape.” Sex is all over TV, music, movies, etc. That's what they're really learning from. And none of it has real values to it. Kids aren't learning to stand up for what they believe in anymore, they're being taught to just go with whatever is popular otherwise they'll stand out. Being different isn't being special anymore, it's being inconvenient. Well I say fuck that.
There is absolutely no need for teachers to sit with kids at lunch and critique the children's fucking lunches. If I want to give my kid a god damn brownie in their fucking lunch, I will. Eating wrong should not be a problem for children because they should be running around and playing, burning off some of that intense energy kids always have. What do we do instead? We take away recess and let the video games and television babysit them instead of making them play outside. People don't take their kids to parks because there are “predators everywhere!” and that's simply not true.
This new age of terror over children is sickening and none of these overly protected kids are learning anything other than to stay overly protected kids. That's why bullying has “gotten worse.” On top of not learning to have real self-esteem or to make good choices, parents and government and schools refuse to let these kids learn anything about growing up so the childish bullying that should have been lessened over time has only gotten worse.
I am sick and tired of seeing new bullying laws and oh this kid and oh that kid every single mother fucking day. Like bullying is fucking new or something. EVERYONE HAS BEEN BULLIED IN THEIR LIVES AND WE'RE JUST NOW DECIDING TO PUT SOME LAWS IN!? Should I hire a lawyer when I have kids and send him to school with them to make sure my under age child can't say anything that might offend and send him to fucking prison? These kids on trial for Phoebe Prince are just kids themselves and we're trying to put them away for murder. How is that not bullying? Everyone needs someone to fucking blame for every tragedy in this country. Has no one even slightly considered that maybe the girl brought her bullying on herself? Yes, it's very tragic that she thought suicide was the only way out of her poorly made choices, but parents need to stop pretending their children are perfect little angels and teach them how to be decent people instead of hoping and praying that your eternal praise is enough. It's not.
People should listen to George Carlin more.

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