It's been a while since I shared a rant but let me tell you, I am sooooo ready for it. There are two particular topics I feel the need to rant about today and I labeled them as best as I could so you would know before reading it what the topic is. Just in case you are interested in one or the other, both, or neither. First up, Republicans, followed by New Cars.
My first real problem today (and every god damn day) are Republicans. These people are certifiably batty and should in fact be receiving psychotherapy, probably at gunpoint. My reasons for Republican-hating are endless, but I'd like to start with this little gem: Bobby Franklin, Representative for Georgia.
It's not a secret that I hate Catholic religion (and the idea of religion at all) so I'm exceptionally unsurprised that this guy is a Christian extremist. I have to hate this guy on principal. Not to mention he's a woman hater. In this particular article he states that rape victims are not victims, they're “accusers” until someone has been charged with the crime. Prosecution has nothing to do with being a victim. Civilians killed in Iraq are still victims of the war whether or not we prosecute anyone for harming them. You are a victim of a crime the moment that crime has been committed, not after someone has been charged with it. He doesn't care about changing assault victims to “assault accusers” though. Victims of other crimes are still just victims of other crimes. But in crimes usually done to women, they're not victims. They're just some mouthy bitch, ruining the integrity of a man. Fuck that. This isn't even my biggest problem with his Bible-hugging bullshit, so I'll just move right along here.
This obvious abomination to humanity has also decided that he KNOWS life begins at conception, and being that he is a devout God-fearing man (and clearly knows everything ever), is “pro-life.” Representative Franklin wants uterus police. That's right, America, if this guy had his way, every fucking state in the United States of America would require every miscarriage investigated to be sure that you did not do it purposely. Even as a woman I have a hard time with how I feel about abortion. I mean, there's help for poor women to provide for a child and I don't think you should just go get an abortion because Daddy's trust fund money won't be yours anymore if he finds out you got knocked up by some high school drop out who works as a bartender. Rape VICTIMS (suck it, Franklin) should definitely be given abortions, Plan B, something. Women with known health issues that put their unborn fetuses at risk, i.e. “I smoked crack while I was preggo, HELLO GOVERNMENT MONEY!” or a history of mental disease or terminal diseases such as AIDS. Those women should have that CHOICE. Rich white girls who live off Daddy (Hey there, Paris Hilton!) should not have that choice. Check out a bit more than my ranting about his abortion law.
Don't you hate waiting around at the DMV for a week trying to renew your license, get a license, taking your kids to get theirs, etc.? Move to Georgia. Representative Bobby Franklin says:
“Free people have a common law and a constitutional right to travel on roads and highways that are provided by the government for that purpose. Licensing drivers cannot be required of free people, because taking on the restrictions of a license requires the surrender of an inalienable right.”
That's right, America! You move to Georgia and the idea of a license is clearly ludicrous. Why would anyone need a license? No police officer needs to know that you're really you when they pull you over or any kind of proof that you are of a high enough intellect to operate a car. Legally required to card you to buy cigarettes if you look under a certain age? Not in Georgia, apparently! Lets give our 10 year olds the right to buy cancer in boxes if we want to! Being carded to buy alcohol in bars or liquor stores? Well since he believes 12 years have an American right to drive, they should have an American right to drink, too. Since the existence of licenses is apparently useless, lets hope that these kids parents are at least telling their 9 year old not to drink and drive since they won't be learning it in drivers ed. And lets not forget that alcoholic community (which I'd bet is equal to or higher than that of the New England alcoholic community since it's the south)! Doesn't it just burn your ass when you get your license taken away because you nearly killed another human being while driving drunk? While I can't promise you won't be prosecuted when you finally do kill someone doing it (unless you killed a woman who was driving home from an abortion clinic), you can't get your license taken away in a state that doesn't have them. Don't believe someone is that fucking mental? Read more about it here.
Really, what is the difference between a Republican and a Christian? I thought there was supposed to be separation of Church and state but we practically have half our government run by men who should have been preachers instead of politicians. Just because you're a fucking Christ loving conservative doesn't mean everyone is or should be. Lead us, don't dictate our beliefs to us. Freedom of religion means I can decide for myself, not that I should be Christian because my state rep says so. I'm not afraid of Hell BECAUSE I'M ALREADY IN IT EVERY TIME I HEAR ABOUT A FUCKING REPUBLICAN.
Buying a New Car/Chevy's New Car
Yesterday morning I was listening to a morning show on the radio. They had a guy from some consumer report place about cars, I don't know, I didn't catch the beginning. Basically, he was there to consult people on new cars. Now let me tell you a little something about how I personally buy cars before I continue this story.
I'm only 21. I deliver papers, and while the money is decent (and at least unlike most people, I can say I have a job) I'll be broke before my next paycheck and I still have bills that need paying. There is no way in hell I can afford to buy a new car. Which is fine to me because I only need the thing to run and not be terrible on gas, after all, my job requires me to drive around 2-4 hours a night. I buy cars off of people's lawns for $400. I don't have grands lying around for even a used car on a lot. The car I recently bought off of someone's lawn cost me $400 and it required minimal fixing. Almost no body rot, decent mileage, a kickin' stereo, and brand new tires; I'm willing the tires and stereo alone cost more than I paid for the whole car. Not to long ago I got a flat tire while I was delivering papers and the flat tire exploded and ripped out my wiring harness, which everyone told me would cost at least a grand so I should just scrap the thing. Well, it's a Subaru and the parts are cheap so I decided to at least look into a harness for my car before giving up all hope. My car is a right side drive which makes my particular wiring harness even more rare and you know how much I'm paying for it? $150. My car will be back on the road as soon as I get my pay check and the mechanic puts it in for me.
Now, back to my original story. People started calling in to the radio station to ask this guy his opinion on buying new cars. I thought people bought new cars when the ones they already bought were run into the ground, but boy was I wrong. These people were calling in saying things like, “I was thinking of buying a newer model of my 2007. What do you think?” Really? There's probably nothing wrong with the car you bought 4 years ago, so why the everliving fuck would you need to buy a new one!? The simple fact is, they don't NEED to buy a new car, they just want a newer, sporty car. They want it to have as many features as the fucking iPhone has “apps.” Cars are a fucking fashion statement, just like having the newest iPhone is a fucking fashion statement.
America, neither of those things are fashion statements, they're semi-requirements for daily life. Most people require a car to get to and from work, grocery shopping, doctors appointments, ferrying kids to and from school, etc., while having a cell phone is convenient should aforementioned car break down or you're in an accident or something else equally important. They are NOT status symbols.
And while I am on the subject of cars, here's another thing that infuriated yet amused me endlessly: Chevrolet has a new car out that with a touch of a button, your car will read you your friend's Facebook updates. Do people really care that much about their social lives that they can't check it on their trendy iPhone's when they stop somewhere or when they just fucking get home? Who cares that much about their own god damn lives that they ABSOLUTELY NEED a car that will tell them SoandSo “is playing Call of Duty 74 on Xbox” while they're on the way to the club or whatever “hot scene” is hip nowadays? NOBODY. Then I asked Charlie, “What country does Chevy?” He replies, “America.” I thought so. Only Americans would be that obsessed with their own self to make that a standard feature in a fucking car.
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